2008년 12월 15일 월요일

About SY Marine / Business Domain

SY Marine was set up in 1997 with aim of expanding international shipping business and has developed marine consulting business comprising inspection, survey, damage control etc. for major Insurance Companies and Shipowners. In 2000, SY Marine acquired KR Engineering to launch into international engineering consulting business related with shipbuilding industry and has renamed it to SY TNC (technical consulting) in 2006 for CI integration.
SY Marine has developed Brazil market since 2004 by accepting business partner, Redito, of Brazil. With quick development of Brazil market, thanks to ambitious shipbuilding plan of Petrobras by local shipyards and investment for infrastructure of logistics, SY Marine and SY TNC have formed ‘consortium of manufacturers’ under name of ‘SY Consortium’ in 2006 to provide practical solutions to pending problems of shipyards, harbors, oil terminals etc. in Brazil. At present, SY Consortium has 4 major manufacturers of KR Engineering, Handong E&C, CEMS Co., Ltd and Dongwon Co., Ltd.
SY Marine do Brasil is to be set up as local incorporation in 2006 to accommodate expanding interests in Brazil and will consist of SY Marine, Redito, and local manufacturers in Brazil. It will serve as local office for technical assistance, A/S, engineering consulting etc.

SY Marine Co., Ltd.
#1009, Korea Express Building, Choryang-dong, Dong-gu, Busan,
601-714, Korea
Tel: + 82-51-4417838 Fax: + 82-51-4417840
PIC: President, Capt.S.K.Park (skpark@symarine.com)
Homepage : www.symarine.com

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